If you are an Emereau parent or student, you have probably seen me directing traffic during morning drop-off and afternoon car-line pickup. I'm the guy with the hat and boots, and it's not just for fashion. I have six horses, and love to ride anywhere I can, from the mountains to the beach. I rope, drive cattle, barrel race, trail-ride, and love to line dance. My family and I love to enjoy an evening with the horses after work, sometimes riding and sometimes just watching them graze as our precious pupper, Ella, roams the property, dominating her territory.
I love being outside, and if I'm inside, I still like to do something active. I enjoy golfing, fencing, bowling, and fishing, especially in the ocean.
I am an active church musician and leader at Calvary Baptist Church in Wilmington, NC, directing the children's choir and writing musicals for them each fall and spring.
My family is very close. My parents have been married for over thirty years, and I have an older brother and younger brother and sister. My father is the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Wilmington, NC, my mother is a teacher, my older brother is a computer software developer and the younger is a farrier and landscaper/lawn care provider. My sister is still in school and loves to write, paint, and spend time with our horses, as we all do. We are all active church members/leaders, so we see each other every Sunday, and at least once each week we get together for a home-cooked meal, an epic Super Smash Bros. tournament, and to watch a movie.
Other than that, I love studying quantum field theory, small building projects, and memorizing books of the Bible.